Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Zaycon Foods

So I recently found a company that offers great deals on food in bulk. They are able to offer great deals because they work directly with farmers so the food is as fresh as you can get it without having your own farm. The trick is you have to buy in huge quantities (get a few friends together and split the loot) and you buy what they are selling when it is available. Right now, apples are what's being offered, but their website says it will offer the Seattle area extra lean ground beef soon.

Check it out if you are interested in local produce and meat direct from the farmers.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Where do I get my Fruit??

After my last few posts, I'm sure you are wondering where do I get my fruit? How am I canning in what should be spring but still feels like winter? Well I have a few ways of getting my produce. Obviously, I watch for sales at the grocery store and I attend farmers' markets. I look on the internet for U-Pick farms in the area to see what is in season and what I can harvest myself (check prices before you go, sometimes it's not worth the drive for the price you get).

However, my favorite place to get produce is from people. I talk to my friends, my co-workers, my neighbors. I tell them about my obsession for canning and, soon, people start to tell me about their cherry trees or how they have so many tomatoes, they can't eat them all. I've got a friend who brings oranges back from her tree in Arizona. Maybe people don't have fruit or vegetables in their own garden, but they have parents or uncles or aunts who live on a farm and would love to give me produce for a small fee. I love getting produce like this because then I know exactly where it came from and I get to meet people and share something important to me with them.